Anxiety, Depression & Burn-out
A holistic approach to Anxiety, Depression & Burn-out
As founder of Performance in Health Wellbeing clinic, Tanya always wanted a clinic where clients were provided with support that incorporated both mind and body. For this reason, her clinic is home to a team of well-qualified mental health professionals. Her passion for this holistic approach stemmed from the fact that the health of one most certainly influences the health of the other.
From a naturopathic point of view, Tanya looks at the biochemistry of your body and how it impacts mental health. This is unique for every person and often includes gut health which has a huge impact, stress and burn out, the quality of your sleep, whether your diet includes important nutrients required for mental health, blood glucose imbalances, lifestyle and more.

Treating Anxiety, Depression & Burn-out
Tanya often prescribes herbal medicine for her clients to support them towards finding balance. Herbal Medicine provides beautiful support for coping with normal day-to-day stressors and feelings of being overwhelmed, low in mood and struggling with anxiety. Herbs such as adaptogens, nervines, carminatives, anxiolytics, mild sedatives, and hypnotics are often combined with herbs that improve sleep, day-time energy, and endurance. This way Tanya supports improved quality of life and a healthy cycle of rest, activity, and calm energy.
Tanya also works with many individuals with diagnosed mental health conditions and has experience in working collaboratively with their mental health team and GP. Understanding herb and medicine interactions is important and is always an important consideration.
Anxiety, Depression & Burn-out Resources
Tanya has a range of educational blogs that may offer support for your mental wellbeing. If you seek a thorough naturopathic investigation and treatment plan for supporting your mental health, please book an initial naturopathic consultation with Tanya below.
Postnatal Depression
Please know that it is extremely common for new mums to become rundown during this time which I call the fourth trimester. The perfect storm of lack of sleep, high stress & a hormonal rollercoaster after giving…
Anxiety, Depression & Burn-out Support
Anxiety, depression, and burnout are incredibly common issues that we see in the clinic, in people of all ages and from all walks of life. Mental health issues are more common than many people may realise – nearly…
Effects of daily stress: it's worse than we thought
Whilst most of us are aware that chronic stress isn’t good for our health, recent studies have shown the health impacts of daily stress endured by “in high demand” people is more far-reaching than you may think…
Is Anxiety Driving your IBS?
Anxiety is an incredibly common condition in this busy world in which we live. Both myself as a naturopath in Sydney and the mental health practitioners that practice from…
Is your gut affecting your mood?
Mental health is an incredibly important issue affecting a significant number of Australians – nearly 1 in 2 Australians will experience a mental health disorder in their lifetime. Whilst external factors such as…
Reclaiming your energy and motivation
My blog today is less technical compared to what I normally provide my readers and more of a thought piece as to what I have been experiencing in clinic as I work with clients over…
Ready to chat?
If you would like a thorough investigation and detailed treatment plan for treating your anxiety, depression and burn-out, please book an initial consultation with Tanya either face to face or via telehealth.
Book an Anxiety, Depression & Burn-out Treatment Appointment